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Article I - Name and Objectives

Sec.1.  The name of this organization shall be Baton Rouge Music Teachers Association, affiliated with LMTA and MTNA.


​Sec.2.  The objective of this association shall be:​​​


A.  â€‹To elevate the standard of teaching.

B.  To promote professional fraternity among music teachers.

C.  To stimulate professional growth among independent piano teachers.

D.  To help create public awareness concerning quality music teaching.

E.  To support the objectives of the Louisiana Music Teachers Association and   of the Music Teachers National Association.


​Sec.3.  In the event of the dissolution of this association, all assets remaining after the payment of outstanding debts shall be contributed to the LSU Scholarship Foundation to fund a scholarship for a piano major. 

Article II - Membership

Sec.1.  Membership classifications in this association shall be:​ Active, Student, and Honorary.


​Sec.2.  Membership privileges and dues are prescribed by the By-laws of the Association.

Article III - Officers

Sec.1.  The officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Terms of office shall be for two years.


​Sec.2. Procedures for the election of officers are specified in the By-laws of the Association.

Article IV - Meetings

Sec.1.  Meetings of this Association shall be held at such a time and place as are decided upon by the officers for the Association, guided by the wishes of the membership.

Article V - Amendments

Sec.1.  This Constitution may be amended at any business meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting, the proposed amendment having been submitted to the members at least thirty (30) days prior to the voting.


Article I - Membership

Sec.1.  Active Membership: Teachers of Music in Baton Rouge and teachers within a radius of 70 miles who do not have a local association, shall be eligible for Active Membership. Such membership provides the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association, holding office, voting and being on the Directory. It is the teacher's responsibility to place his or her name on the Directory and remove it by calling the Vice-President.


Sec.2.  Student Membership: On the recommendation of the Executive Committee, and by vote of the Association membership, student membership may be extended to full-time undergraduate university students through the age of twenty six. These members may attend any meetings without voting privileges, may attend workshops, etc., and may participate in tournaments, contest, etc. Any student teachers with ten or more private students must become an active member. 


Sec.3.  Honorary membership: On recommendation of the Executive Committee, and by vote of the Association membership, Honorary Membership may be extended to members who have become inactive in the teaching profession and who have made outstanding contributions to the Association. These members may attend meetings, workshops, etc., and are not required to pay dues, but may not vote or participate in activities such as tournaments, contests, etc. 


Sec.4.  All Active and Student members of the Association shall hold membership in the Louisiana Music Teachers Association and the Music Teachers National Association.​

Article II - Dues

Sec.1.  The annual dues shall be payable on or before July 1. There will be a participation fee if deemed necessary for special projects. Inclusion in the roster of BRMTA requires payment by June 30th. 


Sec.2.  Annual dues for Active members shall be $18.00 plus state and national dues.


Sec.3.  Annual dues for Student members shall be $8.00 plus state and national dues.


Sec.4.  Any delinquent member shall be dropped from the roll of membership and shall be notified of such action. Such delinquent members may be reinstated if the annual dues are paid. 


Sec.5.  A leave of absence for 1 year may be granted because of protracted illness or absence from the city.

Article III - Duties of Officers

Sec.1.  The duties of the officers shall be such as are implied by their respective titles and such as are specified in the By-laws. All officers shall keep accurate records of their work and turn them over to their successors.


Sec.2.  The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He/she shall appoint all committees, be a member ex-officio of all committees; shall authorize all disbursement of funds by the Treasurer, and shall perform all duties incidental to the office. 


Sec.3.  The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in absence of that officer, and shall serve as Yearbook Chairman/Webmaster.


​Sec.4.  The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings of the Association, a roll of members and their addresses (to whom he/she shall send written notices at least 10 days in advance of all meetings), and a record of their attendance; shall conduct correspondence pertaining to the organization as a whole; shall make a general report of activities of the Association at the Annual Business Meetings; and shall keep documents recording all action voted on by the members.


Sec.5.  The Treasurer shall receive dues from national and keep an accurate roll of members and their addresses. The Treasurer shall serve as custodian of all Association monies, to include Scholarship or Memorial Funds: shall report thereon at business meetings, and present a written financial report to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the payment of all bills authorized by the President.


​Sec.6.  The retiring Treasurer shall, within thirty days after the close of this term of office, deliver to the incoming Treasurer all money vouchers, books and papers belonging to the association, together with a supplementary report covering all transactions during his/her term of office.

Article IV - Standing Committees

Sec.1.  Executive Committee. This committee shall be composed of the officers, the immediate past-president and two members-at-large elected by the membership.


​Sec.2.  Program Committee. This committee shall have charge of arranging and conducting all programs including workshops, panel discussions, demonstrations, etc., and shall report to the Vice-President by July 1.


​Sec.3.  Piano Competitions. This committee shall have full charge of this event. Piano Competition chairpersons shall receive stipend of $75 plus $0.50 per student and chairperson may accept or decline this stipend.


​Sec.4.  Scholarship Committee. This committee shall conduct any contest and award any scholarships (monies). The Allen-Fleming Scholarship Audition shall be held in the Spring.


Sec.5.  Concerto/Ensemble Committee. This committee shall have full charge of this event.


​Sec.6.  Extension and Mentoring Committee. This committee shall approach other teachers concerning membership and shall provide an application form for admitting new members to the Association. Current active members shall serve as mentors to assist new members in undertaking procedures of the various activities open to students or any other assistance the new member requests. 


Sec.7.  The chairman of each committee shall conduct correspondence and undertake printing or other forms of circulation that pertain to the particular committee. The chairman shall get approval from the executive board for any event changes, including but not limited to entry fees, procedures, and teacher requirements. 


​Sec.8.  The President may at any time create additional committees as may be deemed proper and necessary. 

Article V - Meetings

Sec.1.  Meetings will be held between the months of September and June, and will meet as frequently as deemed necessary by the Association.


Sec.2.  Special meetings shall be called by the President when necessary.


​Sec.3.  A quorum at all general or special meetings shall consist of one-third of the membership plus one. 

Article VI - Nominations and Elections

Sec.1.  A Nominating Committee of the immediate past-president and two other past presidents shall be appointed by the President at the second regular meeting and shall make its report at the third regular meeting at which time officers shall be elected. 


Sec.2.  Other nominations may be made from the floor.


Sec.3.  Officers shall be installed at the Annual Business Meeting.

Article VII - Amendments

Sec.1.  These by-laws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote or a quorum of members in good standing at any regular or called meeting.


​Sec.2.  A by-law may be suspended by a majority vote of a quorum of members in good standing at any regular or called meeting.

Baton Rouge, LA, USA

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